PhD in English, State University of New York at Binghamton
Master of Arts in English, State University of New York at Binghamton.
Certificate in Translation, TRIP-US Center for Translation and Interpretation Theory.
Laurea in Anglo-American Literature, University of Venice.
Curriculum vitae
Research Interests
Areas of Interest: Literatures of the USA and the Anglophone Caribbean, modernist and contemporary periods, with a special focus on women's writings and racial themes; critical theory, in particular feminist, postmodernist and postcolonial, deconstructive method, Cultural and New Americanist Studies; literary translation.
Research Projects: Coordinator of the University of Trento Group of the COFIN-MIUR National Project Reti di Donne / Networking Women; coordinator of the CRS Project Caribbean-Scottish Relations; coordinator for the European Thematic Network
of the Research Group
Travelling Concepts;
associate of the International Project The Black Body in Europe, coordinated by Joan Anim-Addo, University of London; she collaborates with the
Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies,
Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di Trento
Main Publications
Covi Giovanna,
“Intercultural Conversational Methodology: Teaching Gendered Racisms from Colonialism to Globalization"
(a cura e con introduzione di) Anim-Addo Joan, Giovanna Covi, Mina Karavanta
Interculturality and Gender.,
London: Mango Publishing, 2009: 23-65.
Covi Giovanna,
“La Dividua—A Gendered Figuration for a Planetary Humanism”
Karavanta, Mina and Nina Morgan, eds.
Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: Reconstellating Humanism and the Global Hybrid.,
Newcastle: Cambridge SP, 2008: 274-303.
Covi Giovanna,
“Haunted by History: Afro-Caribbean Women Theorize Memory”
Zach, Wolfgang and Michael Kinnelly, eds.
Literatures in English: Priorities of Research.
Tuebingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2008: 261-74.
(ed.) Covi Giovanna,
Covi G., Anim-Addo J., Pollard V., Sassi C.,
Caribbean-Scottish Relations: Colonial and Contemporary Inscriptions in History, Language and Literature,
London: Mango Publishing, 2007. p. 208
Covi Giovanna,
Playing in the Dark Heart of Italy: Translation and Racism
(ed.) Anim-Addo Joan,
I Am Black / White / Yellow: An Introduction to the Black Body in Europe
London: Mango Publishing, 2007, p. 139-148
(ed.) Covi Giovanna,
ReSisters in Conversation: Representation Responsibility Complexity Pedagogy
York: Raw Nerve, 2006
(ed.) Covi Giovanna,
Modernist Women Race Nation,
London: Mango Publishing, 2005
Covi Giovanna,
Jamaica Kincaid's Prismatic Subjects: Making Sense of Being in the World,
London: Mango Publishing, 2003
(ed.) Covi Giovanna,
Voci femminili caraibiche e interculturalità,
Trento: Università di Trento - Dipartimento di studi letterari, linguistici e filologici, 2003
(ed.) Covi Giovanna,
Critical Studies on the Feminist Subject,
Trento: Università di Trento - Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche, 1997
(PhD Dissertation) Covi Giovanna,
The Slow Process of Decolonializing Language: The Politics of Sexual Differences in Postmodernist Fiction,
Binghamton, N.Y.: State University of New York, 1995
(ed. and translated) Covi Giovanna,
Multiplazioni: non solo poesia di Robert Creeley,
Venezia: Supernova, 1989
For a complete list of publications see
She belongs to the editorial team of the journal on postcolonial, transnational, and indigenous themes
Postcolonial Text.
Referee for the special issue on the Caribbean of The International
Journal of Scottish Literature
She has founded and co-edited (1997-2006) the review journal
Feminist Europa.
Formerly editorial assistant (1983-87) of the journal of postmodernist literature and culture
Teaching Subjects
USA, British, Anglo-Caribbean Literatures, Critical Theory, Gender Studies, English Language and Translation.
Please go to the links:
- for courses in American Literature and the Module Gender Studies and Interculture:
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia link to
Teaching courses (qv. Didactics)
- for courses in Critical Theory:
Scuola di Dottorato in Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Filologici link to
Manifesto degli studi
(consult file on the download box)
- for courses in Gender Studies:
Master di I Livello in Politiche di Genere nel Mondo del Lavoro link to
Master in Politiche di Genere nel Mondo del Lavoro
- for courses in Donne, Politica e istituzioni:
Lifelong learning link to
Lifelong training