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Independent Language Learning (ILL)

Success comes in cans, not can'ts.

What is ILL?

An outline

Learning Logs and Learner Diaries A power point presentation of the differences between logs, journals and diaries

Learning Log - Download the Log

Learner Diaries

Weekly/Monthly Planner

Why use study worksheets?



Needs Analysis

SILL - Strategy Inventory for Language Learners by Rebecca Oxford. This questionnaire is extremely useful, but is no longer available on line. If you are interested in seeing the questionnaire, please contact me.

Learning Styles

Beliefs about language learning



Study worksheets

watching/listening to the news/a news item

watching a film

watching a quiz

watching a documentary

attending/listening to a lecture/seminar

listening to a radio programme

reading an article

reading an academic paper




available from the CIAL Mediateca for use in the CIAL Multimedia Lab


Videos & DVDs